The Handheld Adjusting Tool, also know as an Activator, is a spring loaded device that when used applies a very quick, specific force to a joint to help restore movement, and it has been shown to be effective in helping spinal pain and Trigger Point (Muscle) Pain. Chiropractors can use this tool in addition to or as an alternative to the traditional hands on (Manual) style of adjusting. It can be a very useful tool for use on patients who are less mobile and have trouble lying down, as it can be used to adjust in any position. It can also be used for people who do not like the "cracking" sound that comes with a standard Manual adjustment, as it achieves the same goal of restoring proper movement to a joint. This makes it an effective and gentle alternative which can be used on people of all ages, from very young to elderly. It is also often used during pregnancy adjusting. All our Chiropractors at Anderson Family Chiropractic Health Centre in Mackay have training in using handheld adjusting tools and other low force techniques, as well as the traditional hands on style of adjusting. Your Chiropractors will assess your individual needs to determine exactly what style of treatment is best for you!
Huggins T, Boras AL, Gleberzon BJ, et al. Clinical effectiveness of the activator adjusting instrument in the management of musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association 2012;56(1):49-57
